How to select a specific node that contains a specific value?
How to select a specific node that contains a specific value?
March 29, 2022
How std::promise and std::future work
How std::promise and std::future work
April 12, 2022

April 5, 2022

The most efficient way to delete both in Vim and Shell

One of the most excruciating things to us programmers is constantly deleting typos when we are just in the zone. Most of us are quite comfortable with using Ctrl + Backspace to delete the last word written but that habit is not sufficient for linux development environments. When using shell command line or Vim Insert Mode, there are few shortcuts to efficiently fix your typos as given below.

<C-h> " delete back one char (backspace) 
<C-w> " delete back one word
<C-u> " delete back to start of line 
<C-k> " delete forward to end of line 
<C-y> " paste the last thing you deleted
The most efficient way to delete both in Vim and Shell
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